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Does consuming banana stem juice improve kidney health?

Claim: A post by Benjamin Nwachukwu claimed that Banana stem juice influences kidney health.

Verdict: Misleading. Scientific studies have not conclusively determined whether juice from the stem of a banana influences kidney health.

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According to a Facebook user, Benjamin Nwachukwu, juice from the stem of a banana has a potential influence on kidney health.

“Drinking banana stem juice is considered to have potential advantages for kidney health, as the magnesium in the banana stem is believed to effectively bind with excess oxalates. This process may help prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys,” the post was captioned.

As of Thursday, April 16, 2024, the post had 4200 likes, 348 shares and 78 comments. 

Various comments on the post questioned whether banana stem juice is proven to have medicinal properties. Some comments suggested that it is common practice in various countries. DUBAWA decided to investigate to ascertain whether banana stem juice is medically/ scientifically proven to influence kidney health.


Banana is a delicious fruit enjoyed by many people. Bananas are full of micro and macronutrients. They are mainly cultivated in the tropical regions with India as the largest producer in the world. People use fruits, leaves, stems, and roots for trado-herbal medicinal purposes.

According to an article by WebMD, bananas contain potassium, which is essential to heart health. Potassium carries an electric charge that causes the heart to beat regularly. Potassium-rich foods prevent hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure.

“A medium banana gives you about 450 milligrams, which is about 10% of what you need every day. Potassium-rich foods also help you get rid of more sodium when you pee and relax the walls of your blood vessels, both of which help lower your blood pressure,” the article added.

Also, fibre from bananas helps with digestion. Bananas contain pectin fibre, which helps with how quickly carbohydrates are digested.

What research says about Banana stem juice

In an article, Banana stem juice is described as bitter and may be difficult to consume. In India, the banana stem is chopped and mixed with water in a juicer to extract the juice. Jaggery or honey is added to the juice. The juice is described to help dissolve kidney stones in a period.

A study by S. Vanitha and P. Sree Vyshnavi established that banana stem juice can reduce the size of kidney stones. The study revealed that kidney stones were inoculated into sterile conical flasks containing 25 ml of extracted raw banana stem juice and cooked banana stem juice. The kidney stones in the raw banana stem juice decreased in weight by 6.9% in five days.

“As banana stem juice has anti-urolithiasis (An urological disorder) properties, regular consumption of banana stem can reduce the chances of kidney stone formation,” the researchers posited.

“Efficiency of banana stem juice on kidney stones studied under this project work indicates that the nutrient content present in the banana stem is balanced and the stem extract could be a natural remedy without side effects for problems related to kidney stones,” the study added.

The researchers, however, recommended further studies with larger volumes of banana stem juice and an extended time duration to thoroughly establish its efficiency.

Find other publications on the health benefits of banana stem juice on the kidney herehere, and here. However, these studies were not wholly conclusive. These studies recommended further studies to establish the efficiency of banana stem juice on kidney health.

Does banana stem juice influence kidney health?  Expert Opinion

DUBAWA contacted Dr Godfred Amofa, a medical herbalist at the Herbal Clinic at the Kumasi South Hospital, Atonsu. Dr Amofa noted that he has seen this claim on social media. However, he has not used it in his practice, and as a result, he was not in a position to comment on its efficiency.  

“Growing up in a rural area  I witnessed people cut holes in banana stems and the next time we went there there was water collected in it. However, I do not know what they used it for. I do not know of its medical use. I have not heard anybody claiming  to have used it medically,” he said.

Also, we reached out to Dr Freeman, a general medical practitioner at Apinto Government Hospital, Tarkwa, about the influence of banana stem juice on the kidney. He admitted he has seen a similar claim. However, he was not in a position to comment on its efficacy.

“I have seen it, but I don’t know how efficacious it is,” he said.

In addition, we contacted Dr Emmanuel Anafo, a medical practitioner. He said he has not found any publications supporting the fact that banana stem juice has proven to have a medical influence on kidney health.

“I have not come across any credible publications in any of the medical journals to support this claim. There is no local data in Ghana either,” he said. 


While bananas have several health potentials, studies suggest that banana stem juice influences kidney health. These studies recommend further research to ascertain its efficiency. Experts have not incorporated it into their practice because its efficiency has not yet been medically/scientifically established. 

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